An Award winning #designsbygrace
Hello my loves! In honor of my school district’s art show this weekend, I thought I’d hop on and share with you one of my fashion creations. This piece, titled “Dye-ing Plastic,” has also won a Scholastic Art and Writing Award in the Fashion category.

Upon first glance, the skirt may simply seem like a normal garment; however, upon further inspection, one will notice that it is constructed entirely out of recycled plastic water bottles.
Throughout the process, I collected and cut up over 70 water bottles; afterwards, I then dyed each individual piece of plastic with a mix of food coloring and modge podge to create the gradient look.
When appreciating the beauty of the skirt, viewers often overlook how it is completely made out of plastic water bottles; similarly, we as consumers often don’t realize that most of our clothing is made out of plastic. Fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic all contain plastic. Additionally, did you know that it can take up to 2,720 liters of water to make just one T-Shirt?
After learning of these extensive environmental consequences that the fashion industry has caused, my vision for this piece was to inspire the audience to question how plastic
pollution and water waste plays into the fashion industry.
So, how did you interpret this piece?